Health & Safety and Environment
General Statement of Policy for Health & Safety and Environment
The Directors of Lawson Fuses Limited recognise the importance of ensuring and maintaining the Health, Safety and Welfare of all of our employees and anyone else who may be affected by the activities of the company.
It is therefore our policy to do all that is reasonably practicable to protect the Health and Safety of our employees from all reasonably foreseeable work hazards and to ensure the Safety of the public in so far as their contact with us or our products.
The Directors also recognise the importance of protecting and wherever practical eliminate or reduce the environment impact of its actions and processes, therefore the company takes all practicable measures to ensure that its activities do not contribute to damage of the environment.
A Safe, Healthy and an Environmental ethical working environment will be achieved by implementation and monitoring of this policy in accordance with legal requirements and with particular attention paid to:
• The provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work that are safe and without risks to health, safety or the environment.
• Arrangements for ensuring the safe use, handling, storage and transport of “articles and substances” which are inherently or potentially dangerous.
• The provision of comprehensive information, instruction, training and effective supervision to ensure the competence of the workforce — with the object of ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of every employee and the environment.
• The controlled disposal of waste products.
• The maintenance of the workplace in a safe and risk-free condition, and the provision of safe means of access to and egress from the workplace.
• The provision and maintenance of a safe and healthy working environment with adequate welfare facilities and arrangements.
• Particular attention is paid to the continuous review of new technologies, materials, and processes that may be incorporated into products, processes and infrastructure in order to make them safer, healthier, and environmental friendly.
The objective of improving companys Health, Safety, and Environmental impact can only be achieved through co-operation between employees and management of the company and promotion of positive attitudes towards health, safety, and the environment. It is therefore vital to the success of this policy that this is achieved and maintained.
Whilst the overall responsibility for this policy lies with Managing Director, he will be assisted in this by appointed members of the management team. All individuals at every level accept degrees of responsibility for carrying out this policy.